Hold and Follow
The Psalmist tells us that God’s hands are faithful, fair, and trustworthy (Psalm 111:7).
Because of this, it makes joyful sense to commit everything about us into his hands (Psalm 31:5). It is there that we are safe and secure and where our heart finds its resting place. Yet, because he is so adventurous, Jesus invites us not to hide under his hand simply but to hold it as we journey with him on an incredible adventure. As we put our palms into his and let him lead us forward, there are privileges, responsibilities, and discoveries beyond anything we can understand.
Recently, I have been looking at the life of one of God’s greatest leaders – Moses – and seeing what God did as Moses slipped his hand into God’s and walked with him. As I share these hand-holding moments, know that the same God who did these things with Moses wants to do them with you.
When Moses held God’s hand, he experienced;
• That the ordinary can quickly become the extraordinary. As God prepared Moses for the journey ahead, he responded to Moses' reluctance in numerous ways. One was to demonstrate to him the extraordinary power that was available to him. He did this by challenging him to throw his staff down on the ground, watching it be transformed into a snake, and then be transformed back as he picked it up (Exodus 4:1-5). The point that God is making is that he made the ordinary extraordinary as Moses walked with him.
• That when we open our hand to God, we have incredible authority. We read in Exodus 9 (29, 33) that Moses had authority even over terrible weather and nature. We tend to walk around believing that we are powerless, but the reality is that we stand alongside one who created the power that powers power!
• That when we raise our hands with God, we have victory. Amid brutal battles, even when it seems like we are losing the war, our God is more significant than any other. And therefore, he always wins. As Moses lifted his hand to God, victory was his. As we lift our hands in surrender to the will of God, we win with him (Exodus 17:11). It is also worth noting that if we are to be a part of kingdom victories, then we need to surround ourselves with people who can help lift and hold our hands with us (Exodus 17:12).
• That as we extend our hands, we carry the law of love. One of Moses' most significant claims to fame was that he got to carry the Ten Commandments – the rules of love – down from the mountain of God (Exodus 34:29). As he carried them, his face glowed, and people were drawn to him. As we grasp God’s hand, we, too, get to carry the law of love. A law that causes us to offer grace, mercy, and deep abiding love to people far from God. A love that transforms not only our lives but also the lives of humanity.
• That our hands were made to bless others. Throughout his life, Moses became a man who was quick to bless. Leviticus 9:22 reminds us it brought great joy to Moses and those he served with to bless people. He could do this because he knew that his hands were blessed by God (Deuteronomy 2:7) and that the Lord made his hands prosper (Deuteronomy 28:7). God blesses us to bless others…. And it gets easier to do when we realize how much God has blessed us!
• That when we rest our hands, we are to use our hands to commission. We tend to believe in our culture that when the time comes for us to rest our hands, it means that we need to retire. Moses offers us a different example. He spent the last season of his life commissioning people for the task God had called them to. In Numbers 27:22-23 we see his final act was resting his hands upon others, ordaining them, empowering them, and sending others out for the purpose that God has upon them. Resting our hands on others means bestowing authority, wisdom, vision, and inspiration. Who should you rest your hands upon?
As you journey through life, grab His hand. He will lead you on an incredible adventure.
Because of this, it makes joyful sense to commit everything about us into his hands (Psalm 31:5). It is there that we are safe and secure and where our heart finds its resting place. Yet, because he is so adventurous, Jesus invites us not to hide under his hand simply but to hold it as we journey with him on an incredible adventure. As we put our palms into his and let him lead us forward, there are privileges, responsibilities, and discoveries beyond anything we can understand.
Recently, I have been looking at the life of one of God’s greatest leaders – Moses – and seeing what God did as Moses slipped his hand into God’s and walked with him. As I share these hand-holding moments, know that the same God who did these things with Moses wants to do them with you.
When Moses held God’s hand, he experienced;
• That the ordinary can quickly become the extraordinary. As God prepared Moses for the journey ahead, he responded to Moses' reluctance in numerous ways. One was to demonstrate to him the extraordinary power that was available to him. He did this by challenging him to throw his staff down on the ground, watching it be transformed into a snake, and then be transformed back as he picked it up (Exodus 4:1-5). The point that God is making is that he made the ordinary extraordinary as Moses walked with him.
• That when we open our hand to God, we have incredible authority. We read in Exodus 9 (29, 33) that Moses had authority even over terrible weather and nature. We tend to walk around believing that we are powerless, but the reality is that we stand alongside one who created the power that powers power!
• That when we raise our hands with God, we have victory. Amid brutal battles, even when it seems like we are losing the war, our God is more significant than any other. And therefore, he always wins. As Moses lifted his hand to God, victory was his. As we lift our hands in surrender to the will of God, we win with him (Exodus 17:11). It is also worth noting that if we are to be a part of kingdom victories, then we need to surround ourselves with people who can help lift and hold our hands with us (Exodus 17:12).
• That as we extend our hands, we carry the law of love. One of Moses' most significant claims to fame was that he got to carry the Ten Commandments – the rules of love – down from the mountain of God (Exodus 34:29). As he carried them, his face glowed, and people were drawn to him. As we grasp God’s hand, we, too, get to carry the law of love. A law that causes us to offer grace, mercy, and deep abiding love to people far from God. A love that transforms not only our lives but also the lives of humanity.
• That our hands were made to bless others. Throughout his life, Moses became a man who was quick to bless. Leviticus 9:22 reminds us it brought great joy to Moses and those he served with to bless people. He could do this because he knew that his hands were blessed by God (Deuteronomy 2:7) and that the Lord made his hands prosper (Deuteronomy 28:7). God blesses us to bless others…. And it gets easier to do when we realize how much God has blessed us!
• That when we rest our hands, we are to use our hands to commission. We tend to believe in our culture that when the time comes for us to rest our hands, it means that we need to retire. Moses offers us a different example. He spent the last season of his life commissioning people for the task God had called them to. In Numbers 27:22-23 we see his final act was resting his hands upon others, ordaining them, empowering them, and sending others out for the purpose that God has upon them. Resting our hands on others means bestowing authority, wisdom, vision, and inspiration. Who should you rest your hands upon?
As you journey through life, grab His hand. He will lead you on an incredible adventure.
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