Musts for Ministry
Recently, I have been studying some of Paul’s insights into what Kingdom ministry looks like, specifically delving into 1st Corinthians 9, where Paul talks about what it means to serve Jesus with the level of faithfulness that H sought to give. The context of this passage speaks to the relationship between a minister and the Church that he is a part of. Paul’s overarching theme throughout the chapter is that while he shouldn’t ask for financial support, the generous and faithful Church should offer it to him. As Paul’s teaching and this conversation unfold, three tensions stand out that a faithful gospel minister must settle. These tensions will significantly affect the kind of ministry we offer, the kind of people being raised through us, and how far we can expand the scope of the kingdom of God.
Calling vs Career
The first tension revolves around our core reason for going into the ministry. Are we doing it because God calls us or because we believe that it is a promising, God-honoring career to pursue? Paul outlines some of the benefits of making a career out of following Jesus – there is some kind of security (vs7-8), there is a little more stability (vs9), and in some ways, there is a little more support (11-12). These aren’t necessarily bad things, although in my experience – both personally and through looking into the lives of others – they can take the edge off our ministry impact. If these things are in place, they threaten the amount of risk we can take, the size of the steps of faith we make, and the courage with which we lead. Paul, though, is crystal clear about why he is following and serving Jesus. It is because he has been called. He says, “I am simply discharging the trust committed to me” (17). “Woe to me if I don’t preach the gospel,” he cries. Why? If he doesn’t do that, he is not being faithful to the calling that God has weighed heavily on his heart. We often put the call onto a career track to shape the call. While I know that God has plans for us (Jer. 29:11), very rarely do those plans easily slide along a clearly defined career track. It is a ministry must that we serve God out of a sense of calling. We must constantly and continually ask ourselves, “Am I pursuing a calling or building a career”? If you want to build a career, I am sure your ministry will only operate at a fraction of what it could be.
Passion vs. Project
Closely linked to this is the issue revolving around our motivation for ministry. Am I doing what I am doing and what I am engaged in to complete an assigned project, or am I seeking to give myself fully and passionately to the person of Jesus Christ? Paul’s language and fear of what it would mean if the church compensated him suggests that his method of ministry involved thoughtful, strategic, and wise passion. As I look around the church landscape today, I see two kinds of leaders – those working to fulfill a project, establish something, and execute it well, and those driven by passion to get something done and accomplished. Passion can fuel projects, and projects can fuel passion, but the two are different. There are many, and it’s an organizational management struggle that I often face, who want to complete an organized, efficient, and somewhat effective project rather than begin a journey of passion, using wisdom along the way and seeing where God takes them. There are many projects in my life that I have completed and many more that I hope to do, but I would much rather be remembered as a person of passion than simply someone who completed a project or two. For instance, what’s so great about Billy Graham is not the number of unique projects he did but the passion with which he completed them. Leading from passion makes every day an adventure; it requires faith-based and dynamic leadership, and while it involves making some mistakes, it requires strength and leadership that reflects that of Jesus. Recently, I was at the airport with my wife. We needed to get to the other terminal, and Tracie wanted to find our destination by looking at the map, planning the route, and getting there. I tried to look at the first sign and follow it until we got to the next one. Her way was more organized; mine was more fun. I think that ministering effectively requires that we minister from a place of radical passion, following the signs and trusting God. I strongly believe in this because I am unsure of a project outline or blueprint for where God wants to take his Church.
Freedom or Slavery
In verse 19, Paul outlines another tension that ministers face – am I going to be a slave or am I going to be free? Paul says, “He is free and belongs to no one.” What this means, I believe, is that his livelihood is not dependent upon the decision or whim of a body of people for whom he works. He doesn’t have to compromise his pursuit of the gospel and its advancement because several bosses feel he needs to serve the church differently. Does this mean he is not accountable? No. Does this mean he doesn’t want to serve the Church or be its servant? No. It just means that while he is a servant of all, the Church is not his master. A friend of mine taught me this principle in ministry a long time ago – “I am your servant, but you are not my master.” We have one master, Jesus Christ. When we submit ourselves to a master other than Him, then we can quickly put ourselves into bondage, or to use Paul’s language, a form of “slavery”. Freedom comes when Christ alone is our master – not a church dogma or desire. Ministers of Jesus Christ have to make a decision – am I going to be free before God, or am I going to be a slave before numerous others that I am called to serve? We are slaves of Jesus Christ, and Christ alone is our master. There is incredible freedom in this!
Some of the explanations for these tensions are provocative and require more theological reflection. I have given them here. These tensions are so subtle and complex to discuss because there is so much overlap between them. I would suggest that I stand with Paul when I say that the ministry we offer to the Church should be birthed out of a calling, pursued because of a passion, and exercised in great freedom.
Three Ministry Musts: Calling, Passion, and Freedom.
Calling vs Career
The first tension revolves around our core reason for going into the ministry. Are we doing it because God calls us or because we believe that it is a promising, God-honoring career to pursue? Paul outlines some of the benefits of making a career out of following Jesus – there is some kind of security (vs7-8), there is a little more stability (vs9), and in some ways, there is a little more support (11-12). These aren’t necessarily bad things, although in my experience – both personally and through looking into the lives of others – they can take the edge off our ministry impact. If these things are in place, they threaten the amount of risk we can take, the size of the steps of faith we make, and the courage with which we lead. Paul, though, is crystal clear about why he is following and serving Jesus. It is because he has been called. He says, “I am simply discharging the trust committed to me” (17). “Woe to me if I don’t preach the gospel,” he cries. Why? If he doesn’t do that, he is not being faithful to the calling that God has weighed heavily on his heart. We often put the call onto a career track to shape the call. While I know that God has plans for us (Jer. 29:11), very rarely do those plans easily slide along a clearly defined career track. It is a ministry must that we serve God out of a sense of calling. We must constantly and continually ask ourselves, “Am I pursuing a calling or building a career”? If you want to build a career, I am sure your ministry will only operate at a fraction of what it could be.
Passion vs. Project
Closely linked to this is the issue revolving around our motivation for ministry. Am I doing what I am doing and what I am engaged in to complete an assigned project, or am I seeking to give myself fully and passionately to the person of Jesus Christ? Paul’s language and fear of what it would mean if the church compensated him suggests that his method of ministry involved thoughtful, strategic, and wise passion. As I look around the church landscape today, I see two kinds of leaders – those working to fulfill a project, establish something, and execute it well, and those driven by passion to get something done and accomplished. Passion can fuel projects, and projects can fuel passion, but the two are different. There are many, and it’s an organizational management struggle that I often face, who want to complete an organized, efficient, and somewhat effective project rather than begin a journey of passion, using wisdom along the way and seeing where God takes them. There are many projects in my life that I have completed and many more that I hope to do, but I would much rather be remembered as a person of passion than simply someone who completed a project or two. For instance, what’s so great about Billy Graham is not the number of unique projects he did but the passion with which he completed them. Leading from passion makes every day an adventure; it requires faith-based and dynamic leadership, and while it involves making some mistakes, it requires strength and leadership that reflects that of Jesus. Recently, I was at the airport with my wife. We needed to get to the other terminal, and Tracie wanted to find our destination by looking at the map, planning the route, and getting there. I tried to look at the first sign and follow it until we got to the next one. Her way was more organized; mine was more fun. I think that ministering effectively requires that we minister from a place of radical passion, following the signs and trusting God. I strongly believe in this because I am unsure of a project outline or blueprint for where God wants to take his Church.
Freedom or Slavery
In verse 19, Paul outlines another tension that ministers face – am I going to be a slave or am I going to be free? Paul says, “He is free and belongs to no one.” What this means, I believe, is that his livelihood is not dependent upon the decision or whim of a body of people for whom he works. He doesn’t have to compromise his pursuit of the gospel and its advancement because several bosses feel he needs to serve the church differently. Does this mean he is not accountable? No. Does this mean he doesn’t want to serve the Church or be its servant? No. It just means that while he is a servant of all, the Church is not his master. A friend of mine taught me this principle in ministry a long time ago – “I am your servant, but you are not my master.” We have one master, Jesus Christ. When we submit ourselves to a master other than Him, then we can quickly put ourselves into bondage, or to use Paul’s language, a form of “slavery”. Freedom comes when Christ alone is our master – not a church dogma or desire. Ministers of Jesus Christ have to make a decision – am I going to be free before God, or am I going to be a slave before numerous others that I am called to serve? We are slaves of Jesus Christ, and Christ alone is our master. There is incredible freedom in this!
Some of the explanations for these tensions are provocative and require more theological reflection. I have given them here. These tensions are so subtle and complex to discuss because there is so much overlap between them. I would suggest that I stand with Paul when I say that the ministry we offer to the Church should be birthed out of a calling, pursued because of a passion, and exercised in great freedom.
Three Ministry Musts: Calling, Passion, and Freedom.
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1 Comment
The three ministry musts very well said and I thoroughly agree it was a beautiful message pastor thank you