Changing Society
In his excellent book Character Counts, Os Guinness shares seven principles from William Wilberforce's life that illuminate what it means to live a meaningful life today. The following is an excerpt from Guinness’s book. I highly recommend this literature to anyone seeking to make a positive and tangible difference in the world.
As I read through these, against Wilberforce’s incredible impact as a Christian reformist, I am deeply inspired to make my life count. I hope you will be as well.
How are you leaning into and living these principles?
1. Wilberforce’s whole life was animated by a deeply held, personal faith in Jesus Christ.
Rather than ascribe to lifeless dogma or dull, conventional religious thinking, Wilberforce and his colleagues were motivated by a robust belief in a living God concerned with individual human lives, justice, and the transformation of societies. He viewed himself on a mission for mercy, never defining his identity or purposes by the flawed values of this age. This transcendent perspective made him the freest of men and, therefore, the most threatening force against the status quo.
2. Wilberforce had a deep sense of calling that grew into the conviction that he would exercise his spiritual purpose in his secular responsibility.
Too often, people of faith draw a dichotomy between the spiritual and the secular. Such thinking is flawed and frequently results in a two-tiered religious cast system. Those with spiritual sensitivities should face the tough, complex struggle inherent in the swirl of business and politics.
3. Wilberforce was committed to the strategic importance of a band of like-minded friends devoted to working together.
Wilberforce’s approach enabled a small group to achieve extraordinary results. His particular band of associates were tagged “the Saints.” Their esprit de corps was so evident and contagious that whether geographically together or not, they operated like “a meeting which never adjourned.” Together, they harnessed their diverse skills while submitting their egos for the greater public good.
4) Wilberforce believed deeply in the power of ideas and moral beliefs to change culture through a campaign of sustained public persuasion.
Wilberforce had a group of relationally aware and connected people called “Launchers,” who launched serious discussions concerning the issues of their time.
5) Wilberforce was willing to pay a steep cost for his courageous public stands and was remarkably persistent in pursuing his life task.
He was concerned beyond swift results and attuned to long-term consequences.
6) Wilberforce’s labor and faith were grounded in genuine humility rather than blind fanaticism.
Throughout his life, he demonstrated a disarming wit and unassuming modesty, possessing a contagious joy even in the midst of the most serious personal and professional crises. It was characteristic of him that he worked comfortably not only with friends but also with those who opposed his views on faith and society. He lived in light of eternity.
7) Wilberforce forged strategic partnerships for the common good, regardless of differences over methods, ideology, or religious belief.
What mattered to him was real change, not rhetorical posturing. He was a powerful example of the old Anglican principle: “In things essential, unity. In things nonessential, diversity. And in all things, charity.”
It is exciting to see many of these same principles rising to the surface today to fight many of the foes and challenges that our society is facing. My heart beats faster as I read these statements. I want them to be true of me, and I long for them to be true for all those who earnestly seek to follow Jesus Christ.
As I read through these, against Wilberforce’s incredible impact as a Christian reformist, I am deeply inspired to make my life count. I hope you will be as well.
How are you leaning into and living these principles?
1. Wilberforce’s whole life was animated by a deeply held, personal faith in Jesus Christ.
Rather than ascribe to lifeless dogma or dull, conventional religious thinking, Wilberforce and his colleagues were motivated by a robust belief in a living God concerned with individual human lives, justice, and the transformation of societies. He viewed himself on a mission for mercy, never defining his identity or purposes by the flawed values of this age. This transcendent perspective made him the freest of men and, therefore, the most threatening force against the status quo.
2. Wilberforce had a deep sense of calling that grew into the conviction that he would exercise his spiritual purpose in his secular responsibility.
Too often, people of faith draw a dichotomy between the spiritual and the secular. Such thinking is flawed and frequently results in a two-tiered religious cast system. Those with spiritual sensitivities should face the tough, complex struggle inherent in the swirl of business and politics.
3. Wilberforce was committed to the strategic importance of a band of like-minded friends devoted to working together.
Wilberforce’s approach enabled a small group to achieve extraordinary results. His particular band of associates were tagged “the Saints.” Their esprit de corps was so evident and contagious that whether geographically together or not, they operated like “a meeting which never adjourned.” Together, they harnessed their diverse skills while submitting their egos for the greater public good.
4) Wilberforce believed deeply in the power of ideas and moral beliefs to change culture through a campaign of sustained public persuasion.
Wilberforce had a group of relationally aware and connected people called “Launchers,” who launched serious discussions concerning the issues of their time.
5) Wilberforce was willing to pay a steep cost for his courageous public stands and was remarkably persistent in pursuing his life task.
He was concerned beyond swift results and attuned to long-term consequences.
6) Wilberforce’s labor and faith were grounded in genuine humility rather than blind fanaticism.
Throughout his life, he demonstrated a disarming wit and unassuming modesty, possessing a contagious joy even in the midst of the most serious personal and professional crises. It was characteristic of him that he worked comfortably not only with friends but also with those who opposed his views on faith and society. He lived in light of eternity.
7) Wilberforce forged strategic partnerships for the common good, regardless of differences over methods, ideology, or religious belief.
What mattered to him was real change, not rhetorical posturing. He was a powerful example of the old Anglican principle: “In things essential, unity. In things nonessential, diversity. And in all things, charity.”
It is exciting to see many of these same principles rising to the surface today to fight many of the foes and challenges that our society is facing. My heart beats faster as I read these statements. I want them to be true of me, and I long for them to be true for all those who earnestly seek to follow Jesus Christ.
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